Sunday, January 26, 2014

Monday, January 27, 2014 - Week 55

Mom and Dad,

Sometimes I think like I'm losing my mind when I feel like a week passes in
only 3 seconds.  That being said, I just don't even know what to think when
I feel like 2 weeks are gone in 3 seconds.

This last Friday Elder Hoshino and I had a chance to kokan with one of the
District Leaders in the Zone.  I had the chance to sit down with him during
the exchange and give him some training about the role of a District Leader
and talk with him about some of the questions he had and some of the ways
we as Zone Leaders feel he can improve.  We discussed a lot about vision,
goal setting and making plans.  It was all in Japanese too, since this
District Leader is Ni Hon jin (Japanese).  I've been doing a lot of things lately that
I never would have expected to do.  Before I came on my mission in the
first place I never thought I would find myself in the leadership of the
mission.  As such it never did or would have occurred to me that there
might be the chance that I would have to train another mission leader on
his responsibilities and about vision for him personally and for those in
his stewardship - on top of that all in Japanese.  Anyway, I've been
re-reflecting on vision and goals lately.  It was a good reminder and
revamp for me on the vision and goals I made for myself at the beginning of
this month.  We also finally received the January Ensign in English this
last week, and so I read President Uchtdorf's message and I really enjoy
his hard drive example.  I took a really good think over the importance of
having all of our goals aligned.  Really judging and making sure that our
daily goals are supporting weekly goals, weekly to monthly, monthly to
yearly, yearly to our huge life goals, and that the huge life goals we have
are in line with God's work and glory.

We had Mission President interviews this last week.  It was great get a
chance to spend some time with everyone in the zone and have fun and talk
about dendo.  In my interview with Zinke Kaicho (President) we talked about the Lord's
economics.  The Lord's deal is an all or nothing sort of gig.  He already
has all and has given His everything
for this work.  As such, it is natural and fair that He expects all things
from us.  In particular Kaicho and I talked about the difference between
our best and all we can do.  Our best is something that *we* always set the
standard for.  When we give our best we are giving as much as we think we
can, but the Lord knows things about us that we don't and He knows truly
how much we can give.  Thus there's a necessity to always be proactive in
our efforts, but to simultaneously always be seeking the Lord's
expectations and directions.  We talked about a lot more than that, but
that was the part that left the biggest impression on me.  As a side note,
Zinke Kaicho is the man.  The end.

We had a mini kokan with the Assistants the night of interviews.  They
aren't going to be able to kokan with us properly this transfer so they
came over and just stayed the night with us and we discussed the
application of the training we received during interviews and what things I
should focus on as the Missionary/Tranining Zone Leader from here on out.
 Again, another conversation I never would have expected.  The Assistant
over Missionaries/Training this time around is Ni Hon jin, Aono Choro.  I
pretty much only thought I'd have to worry about learning Japanese to make
friends and teach people and stuff. I was severely mistaken.  But luckily I
get by with the Japanese I've been blessed to learn so far.  Kokans with
the Assistants are always fun, though.  Elder Carver (the other Assistant)
brought one of those belts you strap around your abs that like shock you
and make you flex.  I wore it and it feels really strange.  Not bad, or
painful, just weird, but it definitely makes tensing up your core more
comfortable than the electric pulse it sends through you.  Carver Choro
also forgot to take it with him when he left, so Hoshino Choro and I have
been having fun with it this last week.

I am super excited for this next Sunday.  Nakatsuka Kaicho is going to be
visiting our branch.  His son was my companion in the first few weeks of my
mission when there was a san-nin in Kouchi.  Also, he visited Kouchi Shibu
while I was still there.  He's going to speak in our Fast and Testimony
meeting and then since Hoshino Choro and I are in the Branch Leadership
we'll be going with him to another branch building for another meeting with
other Branch Leaders in the District.  Should be way cool, and way

I'm healthy and happy and surviving the cold!

Elder Kyle Hutchings