Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Tuesday, February 5, 2013 - Week 4

Otosan to Okasan!
I've been doing absolutely fine as of late!  The weather has been getting better and better.  It's absolutely crazy to think that it's already February!  Oh, Aaron Jolly and his companion were appointed to be Zone leaders this last Sunday! I know that he will be an amazing Zone leader and will greatly magnify his calling.  I can't tell you just how amazingly much I am learning. I have learned so much about being an effective tool in the Lord's hands, about the Gospel, and about Japanese as well.  I learned something amazing while listening to a talk by Elder Bednar in class yesterday.  He talked about an experience he had while he was on his mission that involved Elder Packer of the Quorum of the Twelve (It has something to do with a 20 Marc note, if you can look it up I highly suggest you do).  Anyway, what I learned was that we will rarely realize that we are being led by the Spirit in the moment.  So often I have felt that if I'm being led by the Spirit I will know it and I will know precisely that it is guiding me.  But that's seldom the case.  Elder Bednar said that as long as we are striving to be good boys and girls and simply doing what we know to be right, the Spirit will guide our actions.  We must not be seized with anxiety because we don't know whether or not the decisions we are making and things we are saying are from the Spirit.  So long as we are worthy and trying our best to do what is right, the Spirit will guide us.
So about my everyday life, I'm sorry I didn't do this earlier, but just to give you an idea of what my average day is like:
6:00 am.  Wake up and get ready for the day
7:00 - In my classroom planning for the day with my companion
7:45 - Breakfast
8:20 - Gospel, missionary fundamentals, and language class, progressing investigator
11:20 - 12:20 - Personal study time
12:20 - Lunch
1:20 - Gym time
2:45 - Language study
3:55 - TALL lab time - TALL is a language learning computer program
4:55 - Additional study time
5:25 - Dinner
6:10 - Gospel, missionary fundamentals, and language class, progressing investigator (morning and evening classes have a different sensei)
9:10 - Additional study time
9:30 - Get ready for bed
10:30 - Bed
That's how my days are every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday.  Thursdays and Saturdays only differ in that gym time is in the evening at 8:00 so some of the other things are switched around.  Tuesdays are P-days, as you are well aware.
I'm glad to hear that everyone and everything is well.  Mom, the Elder from Hawaii is an Elder Ammon Pollister.  He's headed for Fukuoka and says he really loves Paul, Laurie and all of their family. 
I love being a missionary.  In the MTC it has been busy and it's been a lot of hard work.  But it bringing souls to Christ is the most important work I can do.  Thank you for your love and support.
Elder Hutchings